Tired of struggling with stiff Jeep Wrangler doors? Watch as we show you how to fix them with Kentrol Delrin Hinge Liners. No more hassle, just smooth door operation!

This seems to happen to Every Jeep Wrangler JK and JKU. The doors get stiff, hard to remove, and sometimes difficult to open! Why? Chemistry. Galvanic Corrosion is the interaction between two dis-similar metals. Jeep put aluminum hinge liners inside your STEEL door hinges. If you havent been adding grease or oil to these (which they never told you to do), they’re bound to react eventually, and cause corrosion. Replacing the door hinge liners with a nice non-reactive but durable polymer like delrin is a great way to permanently fix the problem.

The door liners I bought (amazon affiliate): https://amzn.to/3UUUEYk (Kentrol part number 70002)

Wikipedia on galvanic corrosion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galvanic_corrosion

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