Everybody knows that Flux-core (gasless) MIG welding will generally give you more spatter on your work piece than gas mig welding will. The problem is, gas welding takes an investment, and another consumable to keep track of, and real-estate in your shop. It’s a great option, but sometimes you just need a hassle-free welder. Flux core MIG welding can solve some of that. Obviously there are other benefits to gas welding, but that’s not this video. If you’d like to get cleaner welds with the equipment you already have, maybe you should look at the wire you’re using.

In my case, I switched from a cheap wire I’d bought on Amazon, to some wire from YesWelder. Link below. I am quite impressed at the improvement in my welds JUST FROM SWITCHING WIRE, no other changes.

Remember to use the code SWBFAB for 10% off on Yeswelders web site.
Yeswelder 0.035 flux-core MIG wire https://yeswelder.com/products/welding-wire-er70s61009

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For 10% off on https://www.yeswelder.com, use the promo code SWBFAB

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